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Tree cutting application

Tree cutting application

Not sure what an application for a tree or shrub cutting permit should contain? As a rule, city or commune offices have their own templates and recommendations on what should be included in the application for the permit and what attachments should be submitted. Please look for information on the website of the commune, city or town that owns the area where the tree or shrub to be removed is located. If you cannot find the information, try contacting the office by phone or e-mail. If the office does not have a specific template for a tree or shrub cutting applications, you should know how to draft such an application yourself.

Here are some tips on what the application should look like. Cutting down trees and shrubs is an activity governed by law. If you do not have a relevant permit, you may be heavily fined. Hence, it is worth knowing which trees and shrubs require a cutting permit.

Tree cutting application - what information to include in the document?

The application must include the following information:

  • Accurate details of the landowner – please remember about the geospatial data;
  • Notarial deed, land and mortgage register number or other legal title to the property;
  • The purpose of the property;
  • The area occupied by shrubs and trees to be cleared;
  • The circumference of the trunk measured at a height of 130 cm from the ground surface;
  • The date of the planned cutting;
  • The reason for the cutting;
  • Szkic, rysunek lub mapa z zaznaczonymi kluczowymi miejscami- lokalizacja drzewa lub powierzchni drzew, określenie granic działki oraz najbliższych budynków.

Tree and shrub cutting application – where to submit it?

An application for a permit to cut down trees and shrubs that require a permit should be submitted to the commune or city office in the environmental protection department. The application is addressed to the city, town or commune mayor. If you want to cut down a plant located in an area listed in the register of monuments, in a national park or green areas protected by law, you must address the application to the regional director of environmental protection, director of the national park or the provincial conservator of monuments.

Tree and shrub cutting application – what are the fees?

The office does not charge any fee for the submission of an application or the permit. The exception is the issuance of a permit to remove trees or shrubs for reasons of a business nature – cutting down trees and shrubs in order to establish a company car park, expand a warehouse, etc.

Once the application is received, it may be approved following a visit from an official who independently verifies the data provided in the application and assesses whether the tree or shrub can be cut down, and whether in exchange for the removed tree or shrub you will have to carry out a new, compensatory planting, or replant the plant to another location.

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